Digitalisation has been a buzz word since the dot-com boom, from having websites, e-commerce, building custom system is what the SME has been doing, and digitalisation accelerates even further during the pandemic of COVID-19 and now it’s kept on moving.

So, what’s next for digitalization? How to digitalise your business for having a competitive edge while competitors are doing the same?

Here are a few trends that you might want to catch on.


Metaverse is the biggest word since last year when Mark Zuckerberg announced Meta. And why Gamification is such a big trend? The best and easiest way to making consumers and employee familiarize with digital technology is through game.

Making it fun while still making the work meaningful for employee will be able to speed up the process of digital adaptation for the team. Have you paid a lot of money to buy a CRM or maybe a custom build system, then your employee not using it? Why? Because it’s making them stress instead of fun. Gamify your process, employee happy, their performance will make you happy as well.

For customers, making your checkout process or digital experience into a game like environment will reduce the friction or stress of a digital user. User now consumers more content and why? Because of the intangible value, they gain the fun experience. So, gamify your website or digital touch points will let your customer enjoys the process and even recommends it to another friend.

Remote Working

Working from home becomes a trend for the younger workforce nowadays due to the pandemic. To adapt to this trend, SME owners can implement work from home policy with flexible working hours with the help from different work from home app and tools.

Software such as provides an interactive gamified environment for the team to work together in front of computer. Conferencing and meeting software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams provides a great platform to hold meeting and trainings for the team.

Utilizing services like Google Drive, Notion, Dropbox enables work to be synced together. Tools such as Slack provides a good platform for work communication. Kanban tools like Jira, Asana, Monday, and even Trello helps to track your team performance and KPI.

And Metaverse will starts from work, that’s why remote working is the new trend everyone must adapt to scale their team.

You can have a lot of YouTube channel inviting musician, do music review, music reaction but None of the channel invite Artist or Musician to perform in one single take. That is The First Take!

What’s the difference you ask. The answer is in they know what their audience wanted and redefine the way they listen music in a clear and simple way. They invite known Japanese musician, and perform in a white room, with High End Equipment, record everything in ONE TAKE.

Let us review this successful brand and how it wins over so many music channel on YouTube.

Global Digital Payment

E-wallet, credit card, and even cryptocurrency payment is something we have been using for the past 3-4 years. With the rise of e-commerce globally due to the pandemic, consumers can buy anything from anyone.

The focus is getting a global payment gateway instead of just local banking transfer one. SME owners you can sell your product globally and it’s even easier now with the rising of courier services around the world. Getting global digital payment such as Stripe or PayPal will be the easiest for local SME to rise to the global business game. (PS: remember to advertise globally as well)


Digitalise or being disrupted by your competitor. Remember the strongest brand are not the brand who is the biggest but the brand who can adapt the most.

If you feel like to connect with us to design your own brand digitalisation strategy, you can click here: Talk to Us

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Shen Feng

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